Legal Record Shredding

Your firm needs a legal records shredding company you can trust. After all, your clients are the lifeblood of your business, and your respect for their privacy is a cornerstone of their trust in your firm. A qualified legal record shredding company will help ensure your client's files remain private and confidential. When your legal records and documents need to be discarded, call Santa Fe Document Destruction to help you.

As many lawyers and legal professionals know, it is important to adhere to current federal privacy law, such as the Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act (FACTA). Destruction and shredding of legal record documents is generally essential in order to meet the requirements of the FACTA. Proper legal record purging should take place whenever your client’s information needs to be disposed of.

Whether you are shredding legal records and documents, court records or legal invoices, you can trust Santa Fe Document Destruction that your legal records are properly shredded and destroyed before being recycled.